Landlords are optimistic and taking action in 2024

By : Jon Hall | 11 Mar 2024 | 3 mins read

With the changing shape of the private rented sector in mind, OSB Group revisited its Landlord Leaders research for 2024, one year on, with a view to understand the changing views of landlords as well as the actions they intend to take for the benefit of the PRS as well as the tenants they house.

At the Driving Positive Change in the Private Rented Sector event, some members commented that affordability continues to be a challenge for some tenants so it is heartening that particularly for those landlords with a professional mindset, the needs of tenants are very much front and centre, with 69% of landlords having spent or planned to spend more time thinking about the tenant experience as well as 75% of landlords engaging or planning to engage with tenants to better understand their needs.

The research also reinforced the view that the journey to professionalisation is one that many landlords are committed to, for example 69% have already or are planning to increase their property portfolio, and that 73% have or are planning to take advice on their tax position.

The findings are the result of polling an even split of 1,000 part time and professional landlords.

Landlord Leaders Infographic

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